Do You Think It's Time To See Straight Men In A Commercial For Hiv Treatment ?
In the last 20 years I have been hiv+, I've never seen a straight man portrayed in an hiv commercial. I have seen gay men , a trans woman , and african american women, but only 1 straight african man named "Earvin "Magic Johnson" or straight men and women.
How can we change that ?
We all talk about inclusivity, let's support that idea fully.
Yes bern time
Yes it's past time
Most of the information in advertising is aimed at a target group. Sadly most ads are from big pharama and they like to portray the worst. So, as to get the most from their ad budget. It is time for our health agencies, like Ryan White to make this happen. In the early days this was all that Ryan White wanted was to show it's not just a gay disease. Great question but how to get this happen is perplexing to me. Pastor David
This should be all gender identities and not just hetero men.
Publicity and marketing only interested in making money this subject does not make money for them.
It's all about the money honey!
So true. Big pharma only sees $$$$. They could care less about us. Their priority is money. Sad but true.
Getting Paid For Our Misfortune’s
What Is It With Gays And Diseases?
Now That They Finally Have Ads On TV About HIV Medications, Do You Think The Drug Companies Could Do More To Advertise?