What Really Bothers You Most About Being HIV Positive?
Some of us have been very fortunate not having any side effects and others have passed on from complications related to HIV.
What bothers you most about it?
@A myHIVteam Member. Would you feel the same way about taking a pill daily to control diabetes? Of course not. HIV carries stigma. You don't deserve that stigma. None of us do.
Having diabetes doesn't say anything about your worth as a human being. HIV doesn't either. You don't have control over what others think/ believe. You do have control over the messages you tell yourself. Let go of the stigma.
You have a manageable condition that says nothing negative about you. It's easier to manage than diabetes. You are the same person as you were before HIV.
It's been hard to adjust living with HIV at first. I didn't show any signs until I ended up in the hospital with double pneumonia and HIV, I almost died. When I got out of the hospital it definitely was a new outlook on life. With the medication that I am on its been a slow process to Aids from HIV. I am undetectable and can't seem to break the 270 T cell level. Sometimes that is a big disappointment, but I also look how far I have come already. I think what really bothers me is the way people treats people with HIV, specially within our own gay community. I am still the same person deep down and caring. So most people don't know that I am positive, after all I am not sleeping with them. As my doctor once said, now a days HIV is like treating diabetes. You live for years and stay on your medications. So I try to keep a bright outlook...
The infamous unknowns . Hiv makes you really notice your body and signs that something is not right . Every bump in my neck,every cough etc I think my hiv is out of control. While being a hypochondriac dosent help I have to get use to the fact not everything is hiv related.
I have not had any HIV symptoms ever. So the worst part of HIV for me is having to be Positive all the time. Why can't I be negative, dammit? I so wanna go off on people but have to always grin and bear it.
For me, it's the stigma. This is 2024, not 1984, so I fail to understand why so many people's minds are still suck in the 80's when it comes to HIV.
Do Pills That We Use Cause Kidney Stones.
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