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How Dose One Get Over The Fear Of Infecting Your Partner, This Is To The Point Of Not Being Able To Have A Healthy Sex Life With Them?

A myHIVteam Member asked a question 💭
St. Louis, MO
December 5, 2016
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A myHIVteam Member

There is such a stigma where HIV is concerned. I felt so isolated, to the point of complete alienateion . Peoples treated me so harsh and indifferent when I would try to share my HIV status with them, the hardest part was seeing my previous self and being able to directly identify with such a harsh and ignorant behavior, completely phobic and lacking any amount of consideration of their feelings.. 😪 now finding myself on the receiving end of this treatment is almost unbearable. How I have found a partner that from first introduction
Has so compassionately and indiscriminatily accepted me. It moves me to tears as I narrate this comment. His dedication to knowledge and objectivity and acceptance of me and my condition to the point of unprotected sex is something of a notable character qualities found in few people in our society. I'm truly blessed..

March 25, 2019
A myHIVteam Member

I was married when diagnosed my husband turned out negative, he was never not afraid of me. We read articles from and paperwork from Dr.s' he did not want to go on Prep, he did not want to use condoms. We maybe had sex once a month, he had to be drunk. Now I have a boyfriend who is not afraid of me, he knows I have HIV, he does not. We use condoms even though I am undetectable, they make him feel safe to sleep with me. I'm okay with that, I've watched the anxiety of someone condomless who becomes sick within days of sex and is then paranoid he's got HIV until he had the courage to get tested again. All your new sex partners have a right to know your status even if you are on meds and undetectable .

November 30, 2023
A myHIVteam Member

@A myHIVteam Member I am living proof that you do not have to fail to disclose your HIV status in order to be sent to jail. I have NEVER failed to disclose my status (especially because of how I was infected in the first place), however that didn't stop two lying sacks of shit from coming forward with complete lies. It's sad and scary all at the same time.

Here's the real kicker... It took 3 years to bring it to trial, and even according to the tests that were done just before the actual trial, I never infected either person.

September 19, 2023
A myHIVteam Member

Dennis nice story but I'm honest about my HIV when it comes to sex I would never have sex without disclosing
I'm not one that would like to go to Jail behind my Status beside infecting someone 🙃. My status is my business till it needs to be told 🤔 Morning

September 19, 2023
A myHIVteam Member

It's hard. Your natural desire is to protect your partner. The best way is to talk to your partner about it. You can be told u=u until the cows come home. But if you love him or her, Your going to worry. Time will take care of that.

January 7, 2023

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