Can You Or Would You Forgive?..
Given the opportunity to know (for those of us infected through person-to-person contact ) whom it was that spread the virus to you , would you or have you forgiven that person?
Forgive , but never forget. Still, I never blamed anyone for my own actions concerning HIV. I take full responsibility and that has kept me through out this HIV life. Me acquiring HIV wasn't through promiscuity. I know the person who gave it to me. He's deceased not and I've moved on and forgiven him long ago.
Yes! I was dx’d in 1985 & I come from an era when everyone was very promiscuous! I can’t point the finger at any one person!
Yes I have forgiven myself because it was my actions that caused me to contract the virus, I lived in the fast lane of life Sex, Drugs, Rock and Roll for a better part of 30 years sharing needles and boyfriend having sex in the woods, parks, truck stop, even after I was told in 1983 and given 6 months to live. Well here I am 60 yrs old and still going strong my fast lane life has slowed down a great deal I haven't had a drink in 12 years and my heavy drug use is no longer, though I still and never will stop smoking marijuana. With all that being said.
My answer is yes I have forgiven the only who infected me, I was the one who done all to myself, no one put a gun to my head to have sex or threatened me to shoot up drugs it was my choice and my choice alone. Everyone wants to blame someone else for their actions instead of looking in the mirror at the one that made the choice or decision to have sex, shoot up drugs or both combined.
Y'all need to look at the real person that gave you the virus and stop blaming others for the choice y'all made.
Yes you need to worry.about self having baggage in your shoulder is not good.
Forgiveness is an act of empathy. We are all capable of this act. Begin today!!!!😜
Can You Forgive And Forget?
How Do U Forgive A Person For Giving U The Virus?
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