I am curious about the twice a year injections if they have they been approved yet in Canada?
Please use the French to English translator so we can all understand you and Welcome to our family.
I have been wanting to ask my provider as well. I'm tired of taking so many pills a day.
The French doesn't bother me in the least. I speak and communicate in both languages interchangeably haha.
Bonjour à tous , je n en ai pas entendu parler . Je demanderai à mon médecin je vous reviendrai là dessus . Moi ça va faire environ 20 ans que je vie avec le VIH . Je prend une pullule par jour .
Bisous à vous tous
Yannick de Montréal
I am 70% sure it is but it is not coverd by insuance and I hear its very exspensive
For Those On The Bimonthly Shots Of Cabenuva, Would You Consider The Twice-yearly Sunlenca?
I Am So Exctied About CABENUVA. Any Of You On It?