Bug Chasers
What are your thoughts on negative people specifically searching for positive people, to have unprotected sex and become positive? What do you tell people like this? Do you just ignore them?
Has anyone recently had bug chasers reaching out to you?
How Do You Deal With The Ongoing Emotions Of Having A Deadly Disease?
I have lived with HIV for 13 years and have lost family members to the stigma and silent judgement that this disease brings. I have had to say goodbye to my family because they cannot accept that this disease has more than a maintenance pill. I'm talking about the silent stigma that people do when they find out your have HIV and then the slow dismissal of your friendship, work rejection and services washout. Yes there are services to deal with this but when you tap into these services you… read more
I agree. There is a lot of things that have happened and will happen in the life of HIV +,
Person, that only another HIV+ would understand.
Men, Do You Care About Condoms If Your Partner Is U=U? Met A Guy That Said It Was A Turn On To Have Unprotected Sex Last Night.
I told him that there are other issues to be concerned about besides HIV. DOXYPREP JIC.
Is It Wrong Of Me To Take Offense People Are Using This Group As A Dating Site Or To Get Laid?
I'm so happy to hear you mention this, @A myHIVteam Member
There is a popular saying people often use, "you have to earn my trust (or respect)." I also don't approach people that way
I give everyone… read more
What Really Bothers You Most About Being HIV Positive?
Some of us have been very fortunate not having any side effects and others have passed on from complications related to HIV.
What bothers you most about it?
Hey, If They Had An Island Just For People Who Lives With Hiv Would You Go? I Would Go For The Simply Fact That They Would
At ease I think I'd have more friends too but I'm getting alot of no' s but that's ok 👌 I fully understand
Mike & I attended a Presbyterian church in Tucson that was pretty progressive. Mike & I were the token gay couple, but we never felt unwanted. We did some overnight slots there for homeless men… read more
If You Could Do It All Over Again, Would You?
If you had the chance to do your life again or some aspect of it, would you?
Do You Remember The Day And Year You Seroconverted?
Do you do anything special on the day or month of the year that you turned HIV positive? Do you remember what year and day that was?
July 1, 2003 2 days before my 40th birthday in jail, had just decided the month before I wanted to get sober, but I didn't relapse. And yes, you can get alcohol and drugs in jail. He told me he had… read more
What Do You Think Needs To Happen To Reduce The Stigma Around HIV/AIDS?
Knowledge, Education,
Instead of ppl running from Hiv/Aids learn from it,
One Day They Might Find Themselves In The Same Place And Learning From It They Would've Understand Better Blessings 😇
Was There A Zoom Coming Up Soon? Or Did I Miss It Already?
How was it