Where Are HIV Support Groups In Raleigh, NC ? Any Woman Here?
A case manager? My dr?
I think I asked, don’t recall though.
I don’t remember much. Perhaps I’m just blocking everything.
I’m mortified by this whole situation
A case manager is different from your doctor. A medical case managers job is to find things that you may need. For instance if you need help with paying for housing, a case . manager can help. If you need help with utilities a case manager can help. If you need gas or bus passes to GET to your HIV appointment (you pay your own way back) A case manager can help. If you need help by talking to someone a case manager can get you set up with someone. If you don't have. Medical case manager, ask someone at your HIV doctor office for a medical case manager. If you need help filling out paperwork for medicine or insurance premium assistance, a medical case manager can help.
Hello there Johanna I wish I could help you with that if have a case
mangers I'll think you should ask them
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