Do You See Having HIV As A Disability?
HIV can be controlled by antiviral medication.
Do you see HIV as a terminal disease or a disability or something else?
Absolutely nothing but the truth.😘👑♥️🌹
Im classed as having stage 3 to 4 HIV. And I have previously had two AIDS defining illnesses. Therefore I would be considered disabled by the State. I am also considered to have a terminal illness, since my virus caused considerable Brain damage and any interuption of my treatment would bring death very very quickly. However, the dying process has been halted, and a lot of the Brain damage has been reversed since 1996, only whilst I continue with my current 3 different classes of antiretrovirals. I must say it does feel very very odd to be nearly 66 years old, given I planned for my death in 1996 at the age of 37.
I think those who are detected and treated early enough are fine. They are the lucky ones. Then again, look at my situation where I was diagnosed with HIV in 2009 and by 2012 I am filling out my will on my deathbed from AIDS which has disabled me. Its a fickle thing if you ask me.
I see HIV as a debilitating disease, but the extent of debilitation is individual based, the worst part of having this disease is the stigma and the blow to self esteem which can lead to depression and anxiety. This disease is for the most part manageable, but again depends on the extent the disease has evolved.
HIV, no. Advanced HIV or AIDS, yes.
Do You Associate Having Sex With HIV?
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