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Viral Load At Early Infection 🧐

A myHIVteam Member asked a question 💭
New Brunswick, NJ

After testing positive my first viral load test was 176,000. Which sounds high to me. My doctor says he’s seen people with over a million viral load .i know I caught HIV recently because my first test was 2 weeks after I had unprotected sex and flu like symptoms . and when I got an HIV test it was negative. Unfortunately 2 months later it was doctor said I was still seroconverting and took the first HIV test way to early that my body didn’t produce antibodies yet.however his… read more

September 9 (edited)
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A myHIVteam Member

You pretty much know what I am going to say, but I will post it here anyway....

2009.... while on a walk I got a call from an unknown number.... it was my PCP who basically told me that I have HIV and hung up on me. No follow up, no support, no mental health help, no referrals to ID, NOTHING. I did not participate in any risky behaviors.... I do not do IV drugs, I am in a closed monogamous relationship, my partner is HIV-, none of this was adding up..... so I just let it be.

2012.... Something was just not right with me. I rapidly lost weight (150 down to 100lbs then down to 92lbs), I kept getting night sweats, I would have "accidents" all the time, I'd be throwing up, something was just wrong. So on a whim I ask a relative to take me to the ER.... they took some vitals on me that were suspicious, then ran some basic labs; after that ALL HELL BROKE LOOSE. Everything came back so far down the toilet and they have no understanding why. Name the test, they ran it, and it came back so far gone. So needless to say I am being admitted.

Blood infusions, banana bags, standard IV's, if you could think of it I was hooked up to it. They sure as Hell gave it the College try to get me at least barely stable. I have never seen ER Doctors and Hospital Floor Doctors just loose their minds tying to figure out what could cause all of this.

So some time has passed and I am still admitted.... I think this was either week 2 or 3 that I met with someone from ID who basically told me that while I had a Viral load of under 20,000 I had a CD4 count of 0 and my CD4% was tanked. Congratulations you don't just have HIV but end-stage AIDS.

After that it was all downhill from there and I was never the same.

September 9
A myHIVteam Member

well for me when I got diagnosed my CD4 was 0 and my viral load was 0 I had no symptoms, and I was being interviewed for a job that required blood work, and then came the diagnosis of Grid that was 1978 but I didn't go into care until 2018 after collapsing and from there into a coma for 19 months yet I am still here to inform that I have been through so much even today prostate cancer is present but is remission Im just grateful to be here as a humble 77-year-old individual who has a story to tell this community even the world

just stay medicated and be honest with your Doctor for it is all about you when it comes to your health and body much to everyone newly diagnosed or those of us who are living with this disorder from Lacretia

September 10
A myHIVteam Member

My official date of 9/2/23 VL was 3,040,000. Cd4 was 584. Dr said it was a really early infection If only there was a early infection reversal but c'est la vie! At 10/2/23 1st follow up of starting biktarvy VL went <20 and cd4 went to 1348 Dr said I was responding exceptionally well to treatment I'm thankful for that now a year later but at that moment which was 30 days later I was still in another world. ❤️❤️

September 10 (edited)
A myHIVteam Member

I had 2,000,000 and that was exactly at the moment of seroconverting( I don’t rent the exact word) I was converting over to HIV positive just 10 days after being infected.

September 9
A myHIVteam Member

Viral load testing was not available in 1995 when I was first diagnosed. They did a different test at that time called the P24 antigen. When I got my first viral test in 1998 it was around 20,000 copies, this was because I developed multi drug resistant HIV. This meant I failed on all the classes of drugs available at that time. However I remained clinically well untill 2003 on the failed treatment with a cd4 of around 800..At that time it was policy to keep patients on failed treatment if they were clinically well.

September 9

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Brunswick, GA
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