I Have PML From The Virus 2 Leasions In My Frontal Lobe . I Get MRI Every Year And Seem To Be Stable. What Are The Long Term Effects That Wi
Wow, that's scary.
Because I'm showing every symptom that you just said. It's okay because I just started seeing a neurologist. They've run all kinds of tests on me. Thank you for this article. It educated me on what is PML I had no idea what it meant.
And I still can't pronounce the L part of it. I'm the type that that I don't worry about health issues until I actually have to. I have a fantastic medical listen to you.
I listen to them and I trust them.
Thank you for the education and everybody.Have a great day
Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML) is a serious condition caused by the John Cunningham virus, which can lead to significant neurological symptoms. Here are some potential long-term effects of PML, especially when it affects the frontal lobe:
- Cognitive Impairment: Issues with memory, attention, and Show Full Answer
Thank you that is good to know. My neurologist is acting like it's nothing. She only told me one of those answer questions
Thank you Rodney Miller
I'm Searching For A Relationship. I've Messaged With A Couple Of Men. When It Comes To Telling That I Have HIV I Can Not Tell Them. Any Advi
HIV In The Brain – Does It Correlate With Neurocognitive Symptoms?
Hello, I Am From Denver, Colorado, I Am An Immigrant, I Have Recently Arrived, Can Anyone Help, Where Can I Find Help For Treatment?