I'm Searching For A Relationship. I've Messaged With A Couple Of Men. When It Comes To Telling That I Have HIV I Can Not Tell Them. Any Advi
A You're welcome my friend. I
Recently had an EEG and a MRI.
I got my results this morning I have to have another one on my spine.
Thank you 🙏 Darin. I'm going to my doctor's on Monday the 12th in Philadelphia Jefferson I go every 6 months for check up . I also had lung cancer, and I have PML I have to get an MRI every year I just had a EEG. Had Karpose sarcoma. The leasions in my brain are managed. I feel better than I ever had. Everything is managed. They will do Labs and it will show up on my phone I have my Jeff chart. So I'll let you know. Again thank you so much for your support and advice
Rodney 😊
WilliamMiller, I'm glad my advice helped you and I'm not tlaken lightly to the drop in your CD4
is somethinĺ
g to keep in mind. Mine has never been lower than 350, but my experience with. HIV and blood test and labs. The numbers are just numbers and it depends on the labs, not just your system you may have been catching a cold.
You had a pretty drastic drop it can be serious as you already know. If you're not having any health issues with your t-cells being that low.
Then I would address those issues when you cross that bridge. Listen to your body. What's your body's telling you? Because labs are not always accurate. Now I don't know if your Doctor has you coming back in another month for another test. Some do some don't. But if you're undetectable and you're not having any serious health issues, I would say just keep an eye on it. Listen to your body and if something's unusual occurs call your Doctor or go to the ER if it's that bad, but you do have a lot of support here and many of the members on my team have been in your position. I have not. But this virus is insidious.
It'll attack anyone anywhere any time.
But the best thing you can do is stay positive. You have a lot of members here that are here for you. We're here to support you. We're here to love you. We're here to help advise you. So You know what to do you're a smart guy.
Okay, brother, I'll talk to you later. Bye.
Good morning, WilliamMiller. I just wanted to say that and I'll probably catch some flack for my opinion but thats okay as far as disclosure goes. I never really had a problem with that. Because I was always very open. Very honest and before you get into a compromising position, I would always let my partner know so they would have a choice whether to be with me or not. I don't really know too much how it is today because I have dated in a Long time, but in 1992, the virus was more rampant than today. In 1992 in Los Angeles you could be charged with a felony if you didn't disclose. Today if you're undetectable, you can't transmit the virus but on a moral note. You should reveal your status if you're planning a long-term relationship.
If you're planning on a one stand.
I would say you should disclose it, but it's not that critical if you're undetectable. That would be a moral choice that you would have to make.
But remember HIV does not define who you are. As person HIV as a virus that you contracted by whatever means. For me just cause I slept with everybody, but that's not everybody's story. Today I don't believe it's that big of an issue, but like I said, I haven't dated in many years so I don't know for sure but that is my opinion. My advice to you. Is big very open and honest and give the other person a chance to make a decision that's just my thing and like my team knows with me. I can handle any flack that is thrown my way. So, brother, I hope this helps you if it doesn't make any sense.Just ignore it i'm okay with that. Have a wonderful week be safe 😊.
Yes I knew the answer. To be honest. Just had to ask . I I'm undetected witch is good. I'm just having trouble with having it . Thank you for your help 🙏. Another thing is my CD4 count has dropped from 157 to 87 I'm still undetected I'm going to doctor on Monday the 12th. I read that this is normal. But has never dropped before . Has this ever happened to you. I know it's low was 8 I almost died. It was horrible. Your opinion means a lot to me. And thank you again. I need more people like you in my life . Please keep in touch
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