Is It True Once You Are Diagnosed With AIDS That You Keep The Diagnosis Even After You Become Undetectable? Do You Go Back Just Being HIV+
I was told by a doctor that I would always be considered an AIDS patient that my diagnosis would not change back.
He's are HIV + and we are working on a cure.
The CDC needs to change there terminology to advanced HIV since you can live just as long as
Someone who just has HIV. The word AIDS is a stigmatized word if you ask me. People here that word and they think your at deaths door
I do not no longer have AIDS! Yes, it might remain a part of my medical history yet I am HIV poz undetectable
Well, I disagree if your CD4 count is low and you have an opportunistic confection you have aids. If you recover and your CD4 count is normal. The you no longer have aids. You still have HIV no longer aids. Just said he lied to us and told us that you could never have sex again with someone even if you run detectable because you could still infect someone. Which turned out to be bullshit if you’re undetectable, then you should be able to have normal sex without the fear of transmitting the disease.
Exactly Brad3
How Dose One Get Over The Fear Of Infecting Your Partner, This Is To The Point Of Not Being Able To Have A Healthy Sex Life With Them?
How Do You Feel About This?
Can A Positive Person Infect Someone Who Is Undetectable And On His ARV Regiment Without Missing Any Doses?