What's A Common Misconception About HIV?
That they think only gay men or drug addicts get it. It really bugs me when they say" Sis April you don't look like you have it." I tell them it's not about how you look and aids isn't productive. It doesn't care what gender or color nor creed you are. You can be poor or rich. Today guys I meet act like they could care less. People are still having sex irresponsibly. Yet I still have the conversations with my nieces and nephews with their friends. My grandsons know because I pull no punches. Life is worth living. Ignorance is still rapid.
What people don't understand about HIV and AIDS is that the medication is very expensive and sometimes insurance companies are not helpful. I've been positive since the mid 80s and my major problem now is getting coverage for my medication.
The misconception is to call HIV AIDS when the carrier does not even reach that stage, with HIV being a chronic disease like the others where the person can live for many years taking care of themselves.
El concepto erróneo es llamar SIDA al VIH cuando el portador ni siquiera llega a esa etapa siendo el vhi un enfermedad crónica como las demas donde la persona puede vivir muchos años cuidándose.
Stigma. Don’t tell anyone about your diagnosis. But, with the people who you may sleep with
There is still a massive stigmatism.
Has Any Hiv Meds Destoryed Your Bones?
Did You Know That Oral PrEP Can Work Just As Well For Women As Men, Modelling Studies Conclude.
What’s The Most Absurd Myth About Hiv You Have Ever Heard?