3 Doses A Year, Yes, YEAR, Of Prep Is In The Making. Do You Think More People Would Take It?
Read about it here:
I think this is a great way for those sexually active to avoid HIV infection. I wonder, though, is sex education adequate to target young populations before they are infected. Denial is still a major factor. How many of us were informed enough to use protection prior to infection(?). All of my "wisdom" came AFTER I was infected. My money is still on U=U. The incentive to take meds for survival has as a byproduct the reduction in new infections. It's win/win.
I think people already taking prep will. After that it depends on if it makes sense for their lifestyle. It's still and HIV medication.
It would depend on the individual, but I believe that most people would take it.
I would be very interested in taking PrEP medication that has longer term efficacy.
I currently take the pills when I know in advance that I will likely be sexually active. Spring and summer seasons tend to be my most active. The problem is, sometimes I forget to take them.
I don’t take the pills for weeks at a time in the colder months when I am not nearly as sexually active. I am not out in public as much during the Maine winters.
Having an injection 3x a year would be ideal once it is available.
I should also look into the 6x a year option that has been approved.
After a OTC false positive scare last year, I am trying to stay as safe as possible, while still enjoying sexual intimacy with a special friend or two.
Thank you 🙏🏻 very much for your personalized response Paul. Your advice is very valid.
I have an appointment with my new primary care physician next week. I will ask to be tested and ask her about PEP.
I imagine that her preliminary review of my medical records will show my prior prescription for PrEP when I was much more sexually active with masculine gay men before Covid. I have a 5 month inventory of PrEP pills but no PEP yet.
I will also ask her about getting the bi-monthly PrEP injections so that I am protected in the event of an unexpected sexual encounter.
Thank you again Paul.
What Do You Think About People Taking Prep Only Twice A Year?
Would You Tell Your Friends/partner Instead Of Taking Daily Oral Pills For Prep, To Go On The Every 4 Month Prep Injection?
December 1 Is World Aids Day