Make A Wish 🌟⭐️
If you had just one,...What would it be?
How I wish I get that loving positive partner whom we will enjoy our live together...
How about a Wish for World Peace 😀
@A myHIVteam Member. I'm not sure a sole focus on Mr Right ever brings much success. I think we all show better when we are working on ourselves in a rounded way. So, while at church, or at the gym, or while taking classes... all focused on broadening your own horizons, you are more likely to establish relationships with potential. Hookups cut to the chase, but HIV then looms large when sex is the reason for meeting. I say that you are more likely to find Mr Right when it's the last thing you are seeking. Good Luck 🍀 & Good Health ❤️.
@A myHIVteam Member & @A myHIVteam Member. The older we get, the more we have struggled with our health, the more we realize how much our good health and ability to function play a part in our happiness.
The two greatest determinants of happiness are health and personal relationships. There is nothing more important than your health. Everything builds on that. If you don't feel well, nothing else matters. Yet, we take nothing more for granted than our good health... until we no longer have it. Put your health first.
Personal relationships can be built while achieving/ improving your health. Whether it's support groups, social groups, physical therapy, gym membership, myHIVteam... enjoy the relationships you make along the way.
It can be easier to remake yourself in relationships along the way that don't carry the baggage of the longterm relationships you can't face. There will be time to tackle those relationships when you are well and resilient.❤️
Excellent advice @A myHIVteam Member. I will never take the freedom and independence physical mobility allows for granted ever again. I think I pinched a nerve putting too much weight improperly on my
Armpits while on crutches shaving my head in the bathroom. My right pinky is still asleep and that was over a week ago. I feel strangely relieved, comforted, validated, & less freakish just knowing that I’ve for brethren out there who understand the mundane, daily trials and tribulations we endure , usually in solitary silence.
But I am as determined as Scarlet O’Hara vow not to go hungry again…I will do everything asked of me in PT and push beyond my boundaries to recover my ability to walk unaided (eventually).
What’s One Piece Of Advice You Wish You Knew Earlier About Living With HIV?
Toy Tomando Pep Pero Nesesito Sicologia Plis
Do You Believe In Santa Claus?