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Test Results

A myHIVteam Member asked a question 💭
New Brunswick, NJ

Well I got my test results back viral load. was 40 now 30. Cd 4 count was 653 now 653 I thought it would get higher. Cd4 cd 8 ratio 1.98 only thing out of range but just by a little was alkaline phosphates at 128 does anyone know what that is? All in all am I doing good with these numbers for being on meds for almost a year? Thanks

April 10 (edited)
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A myHIVteam Member

Hey Brad, your test results sound good. Just keep taking your meds. Also
make sure you take things to boost your immune system. It would help
you a lot. Keeping you up in prayer.

April 10
A myHIVteam Member

Good results Brad. Alkaline Phosphotase is a primary liver enzyme. Therefore it is a measure of liver function. Additionally, Creatine or Creatinine is a protein of the kidney. Therefore a measure of kidney function.

April 10
A myHIVteam Member

Brad, I'd recommend some distractions to stop you worrying. For me, with regards distractions, as you know I tend to my Squirrels and Birds, and I never think about the HIV. In your case, maybe indulge in some favourite hobbies in your spare time❤

April 10 (edited)
A myHIVteam Member

I was talking with one of my newer nurses last week and asked what is
Considered good numbers for C4
Count ( I’m at 643 , so we are pretty close to the same number.) She said that was an excellent number and told me to remain vigilant with making sure I always take my meds, same time every day. And that I shouldn’t be worried too much about it. She also empathized that it was smart not to ignore the symptoms . A lot of people who had those symptoms just thought they were dealing with a real nasty flu, and didn’t address the situation right away. Thats why we should consider ourselves very lucky , addressing the symptoms very early on saved us from further damage to our immune systems . So do your best not to stress yourself out when it comes to having the bloodwork done . We’ll be alright. Btw, sorry that I forgot to call . Been dealing with other issues that aren’t related to HIV. And I’ve been a bit frazzled lately , forgetting to make calls , as well as unwillingly neglecting other things . I will make it a point to remember to call you tomorrow after 6pm.
K? Take care and be excellent to yourself ✌️✌️✌️

May 1 (edited)

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