What Does It Mean If Your Non Detectable But WBC Is Non-existent And RBC Is Very Low?
Will the opportunistic infections surface?
@A myHIVteam Member. What opportunistic infection are you battling? What medication are you using? What is the prognosis? We can't afford to have you under the weather. How will we get our morning cheering?❤️
@A myHIVteam Member. How did you get the lab results? What did your doctor say about the labs?
Low WBC can be HIV related, but because your RBC is also low it calls into question a bone marrow issue. That is where your blood components are produced. How are your platelets? That is also produced in bone marrow.
You could separately have anemia due to low iron, low B-12. If all three blood components are low (WBC, RBC, platelets) then they aren't separate issues. Talk to your doctor.❤️
Currently, the meds I'm on has been 8 years.
I’m the exact opposite I have high red blood cell count whatever that means my doc dosent seem concerned
(Cocci) I think I read this question wrong at first he’s not talking about an opportunistic infection he’s talking about blood counts
Hello, I Am From Denver, Colorado, I Am An Immigrant, I Have Recently Arrived, Can Anyone Help, Where Can I Find Help For Treatment?
Does Anyone Here Know Where I Can Find Help For People With HIV In Denver Colorado?