What is the most ignorant thing you have heard people say about HIV?
It's not what they say once they find out it's their actions. Everyone is distant. If they'd just educate themselves before they speak or judge things would be different
@A myHIVteam Member. Meds don't last forever. HIV will find a way to be resistant to your combination of drugs eventually. It might take years to do, but it can happen. So just because you take your meds on time and stay on meds, doesn't mean your next blood draw will still be undetectable.
Also, if your with someone who doesn't know their status, or even if they do and lie, THEIR strain of HIV might be resistant to YOUR medication and you CAN be reinfected!!!! So just because you stay on medication does NOT mean you'll still be undetectable the next blood draw.
From 2005
From 2016
@A myHIVteam Member Pollo>Wipe them off your - FAMILY - List. I see ignorance still runs deep in American blood. Sad humans, when will they LEARN?
I don't think this would make a difference. Ignorance is ignorance no matter where you live
I have been positive since September 2014 and have not told my family yet (they also live in Texas). I will always remember when I came out to my mom when I was 18 and she said she was scared for me coming out cause it was like o was signing my own death sentence. That was in 1992. I don’t think it was necessarily ignorant at the time because growing up in Texas, we had not been exposed to anyone that had HIV at that time. I think because of that statement though, I’ve been very hesitant to ever reveal my status to her even though today it is a manageable illness.
HIV Status Does Not Affect Immune Responses To Oxford/AstraZeneca Vaccine, Two Studies Show
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