Has Anyone Tested Positive For Cocci (IgG Abnormal, IgM Negative) Without Symptoms? What Did It Mean For You?
Just got routine labs: HIV undetectable. CD4 606. Cocci positive. New since Fall 2023. No symptoms that I remember.
Sorry guys @A myHIVteam Member & @A myHIVteam Member. You will see why I used cocci, it's coccidioidomycosis or Valley Fever, from the San Juaquin Valley in central California. It's a respiratory fungal infection that can become disseminated (widespread) in people with HIV, due to immune deficiency syndrome.
@A myHIVteam Member. AIDS showed us how many of the asymptomatic bugs we carry can wreak havoc once the immune system is no longer keeping them in check.
@A myHIVteam Member. Valley Fever is a fungus, like yeast. The microscopic spores can be inhaled, especially in areas of soil disturbance (new subdivisions). The spores imbed deep within the lung tissue.
Like bacteria, fungi can become resistant to the meds used in treatment. There are fungal spores resistant to every method used to treat them. The body's natural reaction is to wall off fungal spores permanently, similar to the response for the bacteria that cause TB.
However, neither fungal nor bacterial spores are incapable of growth, and a spate of poor immune coverage can result in active infection. Without effective treatment, this process cycles until the organism gets the upper hand. No good.
I did some reading up on this. Because knowledge is what is going to keep us alive & fulfilled. In my opinion, only. What this really means in so many words is that we have gram positive bacteria that has become resistant to antibiotics.
I guess the most advanced organism that can cause disease in humans is other humans! The diseases are anxiety, depression, addiction, eating disorders, stigmatization, torture, suicides, wars... we are the ones causing pain and suffering to our fellow humans.
Think, before you speak. The words you speak can cause great harm to others. No stigmas!
Kindness elevates. ♥️🤠👍
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