Should The Term "AIDS" Be Retired? I Think @A myHIVteam Member
Should the term "AIDS" be retired? I think @A myHIVteam Member might have mentioned this, but this is the first time I've seen it on Medscape.
Is AIDS just advanced HIV infection, or would eliminating the term give the impression that it's no longer a problem?
What does Aids really mean for all of us, its just Acquired Immune Deficiency, its just that but people make it sound and make it seem like its so degrading, i don't like the sound and the term for one reason because the way people interpret this when they don't know and understand what it really means, in the community i live in i have heard people speak about it with no knowledge whatsoever about it and makes one feel hopeless, the way they use the term and the feelings associated with it has if its so disgusting , its just an immune disease, after all we know what it looks like and how it diminishes your immune system, even so i also don't like this word. Somehow it sounds low and degrading, and people still have no respect for anyone living with it and have judged too soon. I , always am not afraid to correct someone because some people don't know the difference between H.i.v and A.i.d.s. And yes i also would like the term removed. In a small community you hear people talk all kinds of nonsence without understanding. I like to understand it as just another chronic illness, like lupus, cancer, heart disease, diabetes.
As I mentioned before,
HIV is the virus.
AIDS is a condition.
2 different things.
You can have HIV but not AIDS.
If you have AIDS you also have HIV.
Some people will only be diagnosed with HIV.
Others will get diagnosed with AIDS because they failed to get tested or didn't want to get tested, or they thought they were in a monogamous relationship so they never needed to until they found out too late.
AIDS will always be around. Just because there is medication out there for HIV, people will still test AIDS at some point.
I’m not gonna get stuck on the mindset of AIDs vs HIV - it can be trivial and complex and agree with Paris - I live with a life long chronic illness! In my opinion the term AIDs should be retired
I believe it at least needs the definition revised. I had full blown AIDS at one point, but after many years of successful treatment, undetectable, and healthy, I think it would be reasonable to drop it down to HIV. As for advanced untreated or untreatable cases, I’ll leave terminology to the doctors.
I hate this very ugly term when people say oh he or she has AIDs when in reality its a perfectly healthy individual controlling their illness living a normal healthy life. It has so much negative stigma associated with it. I would like to see it removed and replaced with Chronic Uncontrolled HIV.
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