How Many Meds Do You CURRENTLY Have On Hand Right This Very Minute? Why Do You Not Have Reserves Stocked Up For Emergencies?
These questions are for the people in the United States, mainly
I see so many of you say that you are low on meds and are running out. There are members in one state who can't get their meds filled right now because of a computer hack in their state's system
My question is this: Why are you so low on medication? Why do you not have reserves built up for computer hacks, paperwork delays, or medication delivery delays?
The answer that 99.999% of you will tell me is this:
"My insurance will only… read more
I have backups upon backups. When I'm due for refills, I have about a week or two of any given med, EXCEPT my HIV meds. I always have at least 50 days on hand, even when I'm due for a refill. My brain in a bottle I have at least 45 days on hand when I refill. My other meds I have abour 12 - 15 days on hand (depending on the med) when I'm due for a refill, and I refill 90 days at a time. I'm kinda anal about that just in case.
Years ago, when I was switched to biktarvy I still had a couple months of the prior medication that he switch me from due to side effects. I continue taking the old stuff well fill the new stuff. So I have about a three month supply which has come in handy because Caremark sucks.
My insurance company wont let me order them early to build up a reserve. They only give me a few days before it runs out to order them. Otherwise they reject the claim and I have to go throught a bunch of red tape, because sometimes they think it was filled when it wasn't. So I don't try to order meds early anymore.
I just recently had my first problem with my meds not arriving from my mail order pharmacy as expected, they didn't arrive with my daily medication supply!
I never did get e complete explanation of what caused the delay, I suspect that Medicare might have been part of the problem, when I got done to my last 5 pills I contracted selectRX to get an update, they said there a problem with a refill and billing, I was just told they wouldn't be shipped for a week, ugh, there are ways to resolve this of course, I could have contacted my provider, fortunately my roommate does have extra, so I didn't miss a dose!
I'm in California, medical covered mine med's.glad to be in California
Do You Have At Least One Month, Or More, Of Meds Stocked Up For An Emergency?
Are You Concerned About COVID-19?
How Do Any Of You Manage To Stay On Medication An Take Them On Time?