Do You Have At Least One Month, Or More, Of Meds Stocked Up For An Emergency?
Let's face it, emergencies happen. Insurance gets dropped, paperwork isn't filed on time, maybe an error on paperwork. There could be a blizzard, tornado, hurricane, or earthquake making your medicine inaccessible. Maybe you kept reminding yourself to refill your meds and you didn't do it soon enough. Do you have extra medicine to get you by until you can get your next refill?
I can only get a month at a time that's all i can do.
I get a 90 day supply on most of my medications, but my HIV med I can only get a 30 day supply. I just got told by my pharmist that my insurance is going to allow the doctor to write a script for my HIV supply for a 90 day supply beginning January 1st. I don't know if my ID doctor will write a script for a 90 day supply. My ID doctor is thinking along the lines as my insurance company was doing is that no one never knows if we will be here tomorrow and HIV medications are very expensive and they don't want the medication to go to waste so not sure if he will let me have the 90 day supply. I do see him every 6 months so normally he calls in for a new script with 5 refills.
See my ID doc every 6/12 and pick up 6/12 supply - they always make sure we have 1-2/12 buffer in case we miss our appointment. Luckily there’s never an issue, runs like clockwork.
I have auto refill. I believe I have a 2 month supply.
If the doctor doesn't put in the refill for more than a month then nope because the pharmacy will be like its to early for a refill. They will give me more if you make a mistake and throw them away like ive done a few times before
How Many Meds Do You CURRENTLY Have On Hand Right This Very Minute? Why Do You Not Have Reserves Stocked Up For Emergencies?
Do You Have At Least One (or More) True Honest Person That You Trust, To Tell About Your Status And The Issues You Have Because Of It??
Do You Have An Emergency Contact Person? For Those, Alone, Would You Consider Creating A List Here On My HIV Team In Case Of An Emergency?