I’m A Long Term Survivor Of Hiv+ I’m On Antivirals
I take vitamin d every day which is prescribed but I don’t take any supplements or vitamins at all , was wondering how many people on our site that do take vitamins and which ones and do they really help you .
Genuinely please help me out here please any suggestions Thank you 🙏
I do not take vitamin supplements because they will bind with my medication.
Take, E,C,B+,D!
I take a vitamin that has calcium magnesium zinc and vitamin d all in one
I received a Vitamin B12 injection every 12 weeks that helps my mental fatigue considerably. I also take omega fish oil supplements daily as I feel that it keeps my cognition running more effectively than when I don’t take it.
Are You A Long-term Survivor?
I Wonder If Any Of You Suffer From Survivor's Guilt. I Do Occasionally And Have Wondered If Anyone Else Does.
Will You Be Doing Anything To Honor/celebrate HIV Long-Term Survivors Awareness Day Today June 5?