When Is An Good Time To Tell Your Boyfriend That You Are HIV Pos
I had someone in my life that made me feel good about myself and we were kicking it a lot I told him that I had feeling for him but he say he don’t because he is still talking to his long distance ex boyfriend but his actions showed different when we took pictures now that we not texting or talking anymore like we used too now I feel hurt and sad whenever his name is even mentioned to me he is also negative
Hey man, I know it's months after you posted and hopefully you've got some answers. Imo, there should be no not disclosing your status. There's nothing wrong with us. Not that I didn't struggle and maybe I'm over biased because of how HIV was transmitted to me, but at the end of the day it should definitely be told before you have sexual relations of any kind and if the talk goes well, get tested together and make a game plan both of y'all are comfortable with.
What Was Your First Thought?
How Do U Forgive A Person For Giving U The Virus?
Do You Remember The Day And Year You Seroconverted?