Does Anyone Here Know Where I Can Find Help For People With HIV In Denver Colorado?
Alguien De Aquí Sabe Donde Puedo Encontrar Ayuda Para Las Personas Con VIH En Denver Colorado?
check the provider directory on this website
Having Children With I Have Hiv
if I’m pregnant(I am not currently pregnant or anything,)currently pregnant or anything, and give birth vaginally, do I pass it on to my kids? Do I have to do a C-section in order to not pass it along to my children? Sorry if that’s a dumb question I again have been so sheltered in my life. I feel like I know nothing and I’m now paying for it.🤦🏼♀️😰
@A myHIVteam Member, I don't know who you are asking, you didn't tag anyone, But I live in Michigan and I am from my mother.
Hello, I Am From Denver, Colorado, I Am An Immigrant, I Have Recently Arrived, Can Anyone Help, Where Can I Find Help For Treatment?
Hola Soy De Denver Colorado, Soy Inmigrante Estoy Recién Llegado, Alguien Que Pueda Ayudar Donde Encontrar Ayuda Para El Tratamiento?
I have just arrived, and I don't have a way to buy my treatment, when I start working that would be the first thing I would do to pay for insurance and they will help me with all that, I am very disciplined with my health, I have been on treatment for about 2 months but I don't want I will need them later.
Estoy recién llegado, y no tengo como comprar mi tratamiento, ya cuando empiece a trabajar eso sería lo primero que haría pagar un seguro y que me ayudarán con todo eso, soy muy disciplinado con mi salud, tengo tratamiento como 2 meses pero no quiero que más adelante me hagan falta.
Here are some options for seeking help for HIV treatment in Denver, Colorado:
1. Local Public Health Centers: Public health centers offer HIV care, including testing and prevention, regardless of… read more
Aquí tienes algunas opciones para buscar ayuda para el tratamiento del VIH en Denver, Colorado:
1. Centros de Salud Públicos Locales: Los centros de salud públicos ofrecen atención para el VIH… leer más
Hello, Does Anyone Know Where I Can Seek Help For HIV Treatment? I Am New To The US
@A myHIVteam Member, actually at the moment that link is not working. I have reported it. Everything that our members have contributed to that link have seemed to have been deleted probably by a site… read more
Was There A Zoom Coming Up Soon? Or Did I Miss It Already?
How was it
Hi, I Just Moved To Tampa From LA, I Will Appreciate If Anyone Can Refer Me To An Hiv Doctor, I’m New To The Area.
there is a provider directory on this site. click on it, type in your area, there might be doctors in your area that come up.
Good Morning, I've Been Undetectable For 3 Another, But Today My Exam Came Out With 60 Copies, I'm Nervous About This Result, I'm Not Sure I
I'm worried about my exam
Talk to your doctor, and make sure that you are not missing any of the doses of your HIV medication. Also, check out this website...
Does Anyone Else Take Truvada And Tivicay?
These are the 2meds I'm on I take them once a day and have been undetectable for years... Any complications or side effects?
When You Just Want To Have Sexual Relations (sex) (no Strings Attached) With Someone Do You Disclose Your Status?
Or do you just protect yourself and partner and have a good time🤔😏
I know for sure men with HIV in bath houses do not disclose their status. PREP and PEP doesnt help the conversation. I have seen unsafe sex in bathhouses. I have seen even worse without
How Do I Keep My Weight Down On Biktarvi? I've Gained Almost 30 Lbs In 2 Months. I Don't Mind Some Weight Gain Since I Had Gotten To 91 Lbs