What kind of activities do you enjoy to pass the time?
Shooting pool
Listening to music
Hopefully getting back to playing music
Work, eat, sleep, dogs, grandchildren, beach, camp, travel, island hopping, concerts, theatre, dining out, shopping, bicycling, walking, food and craft fairs, swap meets, teaching others, worship, singing, sex...... actually living my life!
My grandkids
I swim but with this heat I'm staying in these days and watch TV, I love pool not good at it but it's cool 😎 my problem with that is I don't like bars so I don't go
Do You Offer The Friendship You Seek. What Moves Are You Making To Develop The Relationship You Believe You Desire.
I Feel Tightness In My Upper Legs And Hard To Walk On Distance
Activiades LGTV??