What Is Your All Time Favorite Pie?
since there are people from all over the world not everybody celebrates Thanksgiving but we all celebrate good food, so what’s your favorite pie when you get together with your people?get together with your people.
Never met a pie I didn’t like 😋
Pecan pie. Sweet potato suflae. I know I spelled that wrong lol
Apple & Cherry
Boston cream pie
Coconut custard pie is my favorite or chocolate custard pie. My late mother taught her daughters to bake and she was the best pie maker. Unfortunately for me I didn't eat any sweets these past holidays because I'm on my weighloss journey. I hoping I get my date for my surgery next week. I loss 42 lbs. Didn't eat any Mac and cheese nor dressing just turkey and veggies. Discipline is the key to everything in my life today.
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