Are You Familiar With Ryan White Funding?
Do you presently receive copay, medical, dental, or prescription assistance?
Here is the information should you need these services .
Let me write this again my biktarvy is $3,868.74 my extra help the Ryan's white pays 203.61 then my silverscript pays the remaining they really help alot also I use it for medical and my prescription s
Ryan White has done so much for HIV/AIDS patients. I have insurance right now when I didn't Ryan White saved me. That teenager had no idea the impact that he was going to make.
I have excellent BCBS coverage through my employment covering everything from doctors, ER visits, Dental, vision, mental health, prescription drugs. I do not qualify for financial assistance through Ryan White or other available social services for those with HIV based on my income, in fact I contribute monetarily at our local Maui Aids foundation.
However, my late partner, Timothy, used Ryan White and the associated services available locally based on his SSI income. The agencies did help him a lot. RIP Timmy
Yes I have it, it’s a big help for me
Does Anyone Have Night Sweats? Been On Biktarvy For About A Month And A Half Now. Not Sure If It's Cause Of The Medicine.
Do You Rely On HIV Services And Funding In Your State?
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