Is Anyone Aware Of All These HIV Awareness Days?
Is anyone aware of all these HIV awareness days? I wasn’t
HIV awareness dates
*February 7-National Black HIV/AIDS
Awareness Day
*March 10-National Women and Girls
HIV/AIDS Awareness Day
*March 20-National Native HIV/AIDS
Awareness Day
*April 10-National Youth HIV & AIDS
Awareness Day
*May 18-HIV Vaccine Awareness Day
*May 19-National Asian & Pacific Islander
HIV/AIDS Awareness Day
*June 5-HIV Long-Term Survivors
Awareness Day
*June 27-National HIV Testing Day
*August 30-National Faith… read more
There's a national black hiv awareness day? Never knew.
I put each of these in my calendar to remind me of each date.
By the way each comes with its own hashtag. For instance Tomorrow is National Faith HIV/AIDS
Awareness Day its hashtag is #NFHAAD
I have used these events as an advocate for others and in collaboration with other agencies to bring attention to HIV needs. The Pitt Men's Study has done a World AIDS Day service Dec. 1 since 1989. June 27 is used to test throughout our communities. Feb 7 is a big awareness event in our African - American communities and March 10 is often used to recognize women & girls in this fight.
FYI: The CDC just changed Aug 30th to Southern HIV/AIDS Awareness Day - we (in North) still are using Faith where our faith communities will recognize HIV/AIDS.
only one i knew about was the December world aids day
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