Who Would Be Interested In A Social/ Support Chat On Line On Chosen Sundays? I Usually Do Them On Sundays From 1 To 3 Pm CST.
Greetings and good will to all,
I would like to receive input regarding the online social/support chat. I know that a majority of people will be watching the Super Bowl this Sunday and wanted to take this opportunity to get ideas about scheduling. I realize that there will never be a one size fits all solution. Sundays from 1 to 3pm CST worked for me but wasn't necessarily the best fit. I plan to keep this going if the interest remains and people are benefitting from the exchange. When I… read more
I attend church and don't get home until 2:30,but this Superbowl isn't a problem for me because my team isn't in it and watching hasn't been the same since hubby died. May the best team win. Hoping to connect on this zoom .
Time difference..... should be considered
I love the idea sometimes 1pm is a challenge. I'm a deacon at my church sometimes I'm still there at 1pm
I am certain that most people will watch the Super Bowl game and will skip this weekend. Going forward, we will try to work out a schedule of Sundays, maybe every other or specific Sundays of the month.
I'm in. Maybe not this Sunday because of the Super Bowl but I'm definitely interested in future meet ups.
Who Wants To Join A Zoom Chat?
It's Been A While, Is Anyone Up For A ZOOM Get Together?
Who Wants To Join In On A Zoom Chat?