Who Wants To Join A Zoom Chat?
I have March 2 (Saturday) to March 9 (Saturday) off. Who's up for a zoom chat during that time(s)?
Usually around 2pm Eastern North American time works best for people around the world. That's about 10pm for Eastern African nations, which still is not too late, and about 8 or 9 am for Hawaii.
Australians will have to get up very early around 2 to 4am.
Last Zoom I tried, something came up last minute and couldn't do it. Now I have an entire week to make something happen, and not just 1 day.
Sure! Let's see what happens. All the best.
what is id and time? will there be a password?
Awesome..I'll be out of commission but Xavier is a great Host!!!
Summer break starts in May. The second week of May I think, it may be the first. I haven't looked yet.
I think so🤗
Who Would Like An Option Of Having A ZOOM Meeting Link On The MyHIVTeam Site?
Who Wants To Join In On A Zoom Chat?
Would You Join In A Support ZOOM Session?