Does Anyone On Here Has Suffered Or Is Suffering From Constipation And Hemorrhoids? If So, How Do You Guys Deal With Them Or Treat Them?
As of right now I'm going through that even though I changed my diet and eating habits completely, I gave up red meat and flour and bread etc and with the Houston heat I drink lots of water but there's something causing me constipation and as of now I have external hemorrhoids and this time they are extremely painful to the point where I can do my normal activities such as work or even been here at home relaxing watching tv. Any tips, medical supplements or recommendations or home remedies that… read more
You should be getting a MINIMUM of 38 grams of fiber a day if you're under 50 and 30 grams a day if over 50
If you've changed your diet recently, your body may be going through a shock but as other's have mentioned you need to put more fiber back in your diet if not by eating maybe by fiber tablets or Metamucil and I have hemorrhoids from time to time and Prep H, works best for me.
Prep H helps
Hello, I Am From Denver, Colorado, I Am An Immigrant, I Have Recently Arrived, Can Anyone Help, Where Can I Find Help For Treatment?
Does Anyone Here Know Where I Can Find Help For People With HIV In Denver Colorado?
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