Does Anyone Ever Feel Like Life Is Passing Them By?
Does anyone ever feel like their life is a dead end and not going anywhere? Dead end job, no friends, no dates, just feel like everyday is a vicious cycle of nothing. I'm 59 yrs old and feel like I should be enjoying my life before the time runs out on me. I don't want to get old and be full of regrets.
wow....hits home. Yes and no..depends on my health. I feel imprisoned by my body which is a full time job maintaining times...I hope there is more...but than I remember all the people out there who have less and I get up again...Much Love Dale.....
Always, at times I feel I’m gonna be alone! Tried dating sites? It’s a game. But I won’t give up on love or like or life! Someday!
I think many of us go through these feelings. Sometimes, many times. For me, at least, I count the positive things in life - even a sunny day or the falling snow. The life around me. I go for walks in the woods and feel the balance of nature and things. Then, I focus on what I want out of life. I ask myself how I can get there. It doesn't all happen at once and many times its simply baby steps. If you want friends, you have to take risks. Join things, do things, anything that can get you out and get you around people. Things will fall into place given a determination and acceptance of change as being a necessary part of life. It's all in those baby steps and love for yourself.
Sometimes but then I remember this time I get to spend home taking care of my mom is priceless and I know I have plenty of time to live even if I'm old.
You gotta go out and make those connection ...takes nothing to call someone and say hello and you were thinking of them ..
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