Have A Detectable Viral Load First In 15 Years!
Got blood results from my HIV doc the other day and they were surprising. I guess we kind of take it for granted we will have an undetectable viral load not having one so many years. But when you do it kind of freaked me out. The weird thing is my CD 4 count was over 1,000. He is going to retake the test. Hopefully a glitch. But if not he will be changing my meds.
Anyone else have a detectable viral load or have one come and go? Just wondering?
I am detectable being retested today praying for the best but feeling ok. Pray for u all its been since my first exposure. God is able keep your head up.
Im still undetectable. I have my doctor's appointment this afternoon
It also happened to me..the Dr reordered my test and they came back undetectable..the Dr stated that the lab must have left out my blood sample to long..so just retest and see if the outcome is different..best of luck..
Good luck with it, and to all the others too. I’ve been U for 22 years now - apart from 1 time when I tested detectable! I’m lucky as it doesn’t bother me, but I can understand your concern - the retest should set you mind at ease, it’s usually a lab error. Good luck.
The retest should confirm whether this was an anomaly such as the sample or testing machine being contaminated.
My Viral Load Is 195. Doctor Thinks I’m Resilient To Biktarvy. Will My Number Go Back To Undetectable
Viral Suppression At 65%
What Can Cause Hiv To Become Detectable While On Meds