Do You Have Another Condition Besides HIV? Breast Cancer? Crohns? Heart Disease? Depression?
If you are having other ailments that you are dealing with alongside with HIV, or even know somebody who is dealing with something who is not HIV+, check out this link: They have 27 conditions currently that is formatted like the HIV site here, for support for that specific condition. Please spread the word!
I don't even know if I'm depressed, close to a break down,or what.i have a bad back that has arthritis down my spine,and deterating disc,but I'm still here
I had anal cancer and now live with an ostomy.
I did have Hepatitis C till this year till I got to care.. 😃
I have nothing other than HIV ... my doctor describes me as a rare species. He also says I'm in phenomenal condition, bloodwork amazing.
Seasonal Affective Disorder, Mood Adjustment Disorder, Depression, Anxiety, Chronic Nausea, Acid Reflux. Have had a hip replacement in the past due to prednizone usage when my platelets dropped deadly low which is how I found out I was POZ. Just found out that I need to get some tests done as my anal pap-smear came back positive for high-risk cells, hoping for the best.
What Really Bothers You Most About Being HIV Positive?
Have You Had Or Have Cancer?
Are You Finding That You Are Dealing With Other Health Problems That Have Some Or Nothing At All With HIV/AIDS?