How Cold Is It In Your Neck Of The Woods?
The temperatures have seen to be getting colder and colder as each year goes by. Here in Illinois , with the wind chill factor , we're getting down to -24°.
How cold is it in your neck of the woods?
looking at the forecast, Tuesday we are supposed to be at 4F/-16C for a HIGH with -30F/-35C with wind factor here in central Michigan. I think my weiner is going to fall off.
It’s currently 25° and snowing in Southwest Mississippi. I’m staying with my dad at the tree farm. I know this is no big deal for most, but we’re not really accustomed to freezing temperatures. My biggest problem is dealing with the outside cats. I caught Matilda and brought her in, but she’s howling like she’s being tortured because she’s doesn’t like to be inside. The little one peeking through the door that I’ve dubbed Jet, because he’s so fast, will not let me catch him, and will not come in. I’m not too worried about him. He can get under the house, or in a barn.
@A myHIVteam Member, guys still wear underwear?
It’s 36 degree Fahrenheit. I’m asleep in my undies so it’s not that cold.
It's cold 28 degrees and snowing.
Is It As Cold By You As It Is Here In Illinois?
Is It As Cold By You As It Is Here In Illinois?
Feeling Something Is Missing