Do I Have A Way To Read And Know If Someone Wrote To Me While I Was Away And How Can I Locate Those Messages?
Tengo Una Manera De Poder Leer Y Poder Saber Si Alguien Me Escribió En Mi Ausencia Y Cómo Localizo Esos Mensajes ?
I struggle with the website too a bit. It works different than other platforms, probably why I'm not to active on here like I'd like to be.
@A myHIVteam Member people will either resond to your post, write on your wall, or they will tag you, like I did here. Then it will show up as a notification here on this site. Then depending on your settings, a notification by text or email.
It is always possible to know if someone writes to you in your absence, I always receive notifications in my email... activate it and you will see that you receive all the notifications...
Siempre es posible saber si alguien te escribe en tu ausencia, a mí siempre me llegan notificaciones en mi correo electrónico.. activarlo y verás que recibes todas las notificaciones..
Greetings to
Little by little you are getting used to it, it is different but there we go 🤗
Saludos al
Poco a poco se va acostumbrando es diferente pero ahí vamos 🤗
Yes, you can tell if someone texted you in your absence by checking your notifications. When you log in, in the top right corner of your screen, you will see an alert with the number of new notifications. Click on the notification bell and select "see all notifications" to access them. Unread notifications will appear in Show Full Answer
Sí, puedes saber si alguien te escribió en tu ausencia revisando las notificaciones. Al iniciar sesión, en la esquina superior derecha de tu pantalla, verás una alerta con el número de notificaciones nuevas. Haz clic en la campana de notificación y selecciona "ver todas las notificaciones" para acceder a ellas. Las Mostrar respuesta completa
Hello, I Am From Denver, Colorado, I Am An Immigrant, I Have Recently Arrived, Can Anyone Help, Where Can I Find Help For Treatment?
Does Anyone Here Know Where I Can Find Help For People With HIV In Denver Colorado?
Hello, Does Anyone Know Where I Can Seek Help For HIV Treatment? I Am New To The US