Does Cannabis Reduce Inflammation In People With HIV?
Marijuana and CBD have anti-inflammatory effects and may improve gut health, but smoking can reduce the benefits.
I'm not a grower but I smoke. I mean vape, flower. My body seems to like it when I get high 🤣
There seem to be a number of inflammatory options in our bodies. So while perhaps gut inflammation is attenuated joint inflammation remains untouched.
Smoking weed helps me to get through the day! 👌✌️
Well the quote was "let's blow this joint" @A myHIVteam Member
Indeed, I wish the state I live in would catch up. They're still stuck in "Reefer Madness" mindset.
"Complete Suppression Of The Symptoms Of HIV" ?
Is It Safe For Hiv Positive People To Use Cannabis Products Such As Smoke, Vape, Or Edible?
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