Guys, Do You Do Self Anal Examinations?
Anal self-examinations may help people identify pre-cancerous lesions and tumours. Anal self-examination has the potential to identify lesions that might be cancerous and should be promoted as a community-led tool to raise awareness of the need for anal cancer screening, the investigators of a prospective study in sexual minority men and transgender women report.
@A myHIVteam Member you have a lot more dexterity than my arthritic hands .
Ugh it is time for mine I hate the prep
And bring further away I will put it off as long as I can I drive myself so I sign papers no anesthetic
I have done without and other then discomfort will continue if I have to have them. I bottomed sometimes and I ow not many when I was active I'm not active now it seems like age number holds people from hitting me up as they haven't reached senior status. Hope that you all live long lives and healthy
Once you get to the age of 75 you will find youth think you can't. Have sex especially with them. I've been called
Names and blocked . I remain poz that I may still meet someone but if I don't I'll just do my own life alone. Happy checkups everyone
Some think it's a subject for ridicule or don't take it seriously, but a year after being diagnosed with AIDS I was diagnosed with Anal Cancer. During a routine appointment, I confided to my doctor that I had some bleeding from a strange lump located in my anal canal. The lump was biopsied, and it came back positive for cancer. The treatment consisted of chemotherapy and radiation which wore me out. That was 24 years ago and to this day I am examined annually by a surgeon as well as conducting self-examination. I have been told that because I caught it early, my treatment was not as invasive as it might have been. There is nothing pleasant or funny about anal cancer. Please don't take it for granted.
I let the urologist handle feeling my prostate as needed, although if I self-stimulated that gland it would do something pleasurable for me. Guys here probably all know this needless to say.
I will poop into a container and send it off to a lab on the mainland and get the results back via text now and by phone back then. The last 10 years it is always been negative thus avoiding having to do the colonoscopy and the preparations leading up to it.
Ladies, I Asked The Guys About Their Anal Check Exams, So It's Now Time To Ask You :Ladies, How Often Do You Get Cervical Examinations?
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