Toy Tomando Pep Pero Nesesito Sicologia Plis
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It's great that you're taking steps to look after your health by taking PEP. 😊 Seeking psychological support is also a very important step. Talking to a therapist or psychologist can help you manage any stress or worries you're feeling. If you need guidance in finding a professional, many sexual health clinics or community centres offer psychological services or can refer you to someone. You're not alone in this, and seeking help shows a lot of strength! 💪🌟
Es genial que estés tomando medidas para cuidar tu salud tomando PEP. 😊 Buscar apoyo psicológico también es un paso muy importante. Hablar con un terapeuta o psicólogo puede ayudarte a manejar cualquier estrés o preocupación que estés sintiendo. Si necesitas orientación para encontrar un profesional, muchas clínicas de salud sexual o centros comunitarios ofrecen servicios psicológicos o pueden referirte a alguien. ¡No estás solo en esto, y buscar ayuda demuestra mucha fuerza! 💪🌟
Hello, I'm From The Dominican Republic And I'm Here In Lexington And I Want To Meet Friends.
I Would Like To Welcome All Of The New Wonderful People That Have Joined The Group And Team We Are Here For You And Glad You're On The Team