Have Any Of You Been Diagnosed With ADHD Later In Life?
I’m 62 and met with a psychiatrist to have my anxiety meds reviewed and adjusted. After discussing my anxiety, frustrations, and patterns, he offered to refer me to their ADHD clinic. A while back, my nephew, who has been diagnosed with ADHD, started light heartedly picking at me about being a stereotypical case. I think he’s right. When I was a kid, it was just called lazy and stubborn. If diagnosed, supposedly meds can help. If any of you have dealt with this, please share.
You can easily take the DIVA II Assessment right here - just print it out and take the test - https://www.advancedassessments.co.uk/resources...
@A myHIVteam Member you can also check out these 3 links as well
1) https://locator.hiv.gov/map?location.
2) https://www.myhivteam.com/resources/programs-to...
3) the provider directory on this website
@A myHIVteam Member Some people need medication depending on the severity of ADHD yet thankfully Essential Oils work for me! I do my best to use natural products yet I don’t judge those who need medication.
Yes he did Larry..it was my 2nd time....sex was intense too🤣😱🥹👄
@A myHIVteam Member. The guy you were dating most likely knew how to microdose. Which , if done properly, can keep your emotions and mood swings more consistent and in check. I do it from time to time with mushroom infused chocolate. A reputable company will provide accurate info to dosage. My past experiences with them has taught me how to Properly use them . But I also understand I’m not like everyone else . So I would recommend using such a thing under a doctors watchful eye.
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