CD4 Increasing VL Decreasing W A Few Frequent Blips This First Year.
Hello family. I use this platform for information and hope. Diagnosed in October 2024 and my numbers are
Initial CD4 373 vl 64k since then every 3 months they have been 599 vl <20..cd4 467 vl 28 cd4 498 vl 228 vl 32 vl undetectable in September..most recent in December cd4 785 vl 81..eating healthy, sleeping work out..don't drink or smoke.. pray and meditation. all other bloodwork good.. on Bictarvy and haven't missed any doses. I know less than 200 is good but what else can I do to stay… read more
Congratulations you'll be fine enjoy life
Try not to overthink the numbers. It’s now harder to be truly undetectable, because the tests have become so good. Your numbers seem great to me, and it sounds like you are doing your part to stay healthy. I think you should probably continue doing what you’re doing and focus on enjoying a happy life with your family.
It sounds like you're doing an amazing job managing your health and staying on top of your treatment! Your numbers show great progress, and your dedication to healthy habits like eating well, exercising, and taking your medication consistently is key to staying undetectable.
Frequent "blips" (small, temporary increases in Show Full Answer
congratulations on the new baby!
things that can keep your VL up: not enough to sleep. not eating right all the time, stress, if you are sick for a period of time. anxiety. those are the most common, or even a combination of all of them or any of them. When you know the day of your blood draw, try to be as healthy, eat good, get plenty of rest, that you can and you should be golden.
Congratulations on the baby
you are doing great keep doing what you doing, play with the baby more to reduce your stress 😊get the baby tired for night time so use can get some sleep Blessings 😇
Why Would My Cd4 Go Up But My Viral Load Go Up? Confused.
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Undetectable But Low Cd4 Count