How Are You Treating Acid Reflux?
I'm experiencing some acid reflux but on an empty stomach. What kind of over-the-counter meds work best for you?
Wow thank you Eddie I did not know that about this pill. The doctor gives me it and I take it on occasion especially before a high acidic meal. I will keep it in check from now on.
Thank you all. I'm hoping for some temporary relief until I see my doctor. I'm trying some dietary changes along with an OTC med to see if I can get some relief. I've had nausea for a couple of days but overnight it became much worse. (I hate getting sick over the holidays when doctors are not available - I'll treat the symptoms for a short while until I can make a more informed decision.)
Famotidine, stomach acid reducer. Pepcid and Pepcid AC over the counter is what my doctor suggests using for heartburn/indigestion along watching what I eat. Certain foods will cause issue with stomach acid. Immediate relief I use tums chewable.
From the UK's NHS website:
<< Long-term side effects
If you take omeprazole for more than 3 months, the levels of magnesium in your blood may fall.
Low magnesium can make you feel tired, confused, dizzy and cause muscle twitches, shakiness and an irregular heartbeat. If you get any of these symptoms, tell your doctor.
Taking omeprazole for more than a year may increase your chances of certain side effects, including:
bone fractures
gut infections
vitamin B12 deficiency – symptoms include feeling very tired, a sore and red tongue, mouth ulcers and pins and needles
If you take omeprazole for longer than 1 year, your doctor will regularly check your health to see if you should carry on taking it.
It's not known if omeprazole works less well the longer you take it.
If you feel like omeprazole is not working any more, talk to your doctor.
Omeprazole and stomach cancer
There is some research to suggest that taking medicines to reduce stomach acid, like PPIs and H2 blockers, may slightly increase the chance of developing stomach cancer. It also suggested that it could be more likely in people taking them for longer than 3 years. But studies involving more people need to be done to be sure that PPIs and H2 blockers cause stomach cancer, rather than something else causing it.
PPIs, like most medicines, have side effects so it's best to take them for the shortest time possible.
It’s also important to speak to your doctor if you notice any of these symptoms which can be signs of stomach cancer:
having problems swallowing (dysphagia)
feeling or being sick
feeling full very quickly when eating
losing weight without trying
Speak to your doctor or pharmacist if you are concerned. >>
Complementary And Alternative Medicine (CAM)
How Has Your Current Antiviral Medications Been Treating You?