Any Straight Women Here? Gosh I’d Like To Hear Your Story? I’m Overwhelmed By This.
Wow, I’m sorry. You’re caring for others and this happened to you.
I’m having a hard time finding an HIV community, but I’m also unsure if I’d attend because I’m living in secret.
My immediate family knows, but I wouldn’t dare tell anyone else.
I’m so embarrassed, and mortified
I was diagnosed 08/23. Most likely a needle stick from work(nurse). I've been single for years, happily. I'm fortunate to have a great family and support system. I wasn't interested in dating before, so nothing has changed for me in that respect. I volunteer a lot for my HIV community. I'm studying to get certificated as an AIDS Certified RN (ACRN) I feel strong and empowered and I want to help others navigate their new life.
Welcome to the community.
@A myHIVteam Member
I’m in NC, the only support group is 4 hours from me
@A myHIVteam Member where do you live? The HIV clinic that I go to is actually part of are large HIV community care system. We do lots of outreach and functions that I volunteer for. It's a great way to help others and to educate. I also joined Pride St Pete (I'm straight) and Equality FL. My gay friend says I'm more involved than she is LOL.
Does Anyone Go To Support Groups?
If You Could Date Someone Or Perhaps Just Play....., Who Would It Be?
What Tool Do You Use , When You Feel Overwhelmed?