In My Last Tests My Viral Load Came Out Detectable But It Doesn't Show A Count, It Only Says Greater Than 40 And My CD4 Decreased By 100pts
En Mis Últimos Análisis Mi Carga Viral Salió Detectable Pero No Muestra Un Conteo Solo Dice Mayor Que 40 Y Mis CD4 Disminuyeron En 100pts
I don't know if it's a blip, my doctor said there was nothing to worry about because he believes there were variations in the lab equipment, however, this has taken away my peace of mind and I have my next medical appointment in a month. Has anything similar happened to anyone? I've been on treatment for a year and a half, in my previous labs I came out undetectable and my CD4 was at 460 (today at 350) there are 6 months between one analysis and another. Thank you for your support!
No sé si se trata de un blip, mi médico dijo que no había por que preocuparse pues considera que hubo variaciones en los equipos de laboratorio, sin embargo, esto me ha quitado tranquilidad y hasta en un mes tengo mi siguiente cita médica. A alguien le ha sucedido algo similar? Tengo un año y medio en tratamiento, en mis laboratorios anteriores salí indetectable y mis CD4 estaban en 460 (hoy en 350) hay 6 meses entre uno y otro análisis. Gracias por su apoyo!
That also changes for me. Last time I had a viral load of 27. A week ago it came out undetectable and my CD4 count is better, from 256 to 545, but I don't trust that much.
A mi también me varia eso la ves pasada tenia 27 de carga viral hace una semana salio indetectable y mis cd4 están mejor de 256 a 545 pero no confío mucho en eso
CD4's can fluctuate often an ID Dr is mostly paying attention to the viral load as long as the CD4 is over 200. They can lower due to being sick, even stress can affect them and they take a while to come back up after dropping.
I've been living with the virus for 26 years I've only been undetectable twice my numbers are always 400 to 460 viral load 500 and above is normal my doctor told me I have nothing to worry about I am good
It's a judgment call if you ask me. It could just be a blip. But In my opinion, I be making my decisions based on how far I am from 200. A viral load test that says greater than 40 tells you nothing. You could be sitting at 200 or something. You deserve to know if you're undectable or not. Send that mess back and ask for the count so you can make a logical decision.
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What Was Your Last CD4 Count?