Are Single Tablet Once Daily Regimes Safe For People With More Or Less Total Drug Resistance To All Classes Of HIV Treatments
I had more or less, complete drug resistance to all known classes of HIV drugs back in 2004. However I was eligable for brand new experimental HIV drugs which had never been used before and only tested on Rats. These brand new agents finally made me undetectable after 3 months of taking them. The only problem is, I have to spread the doses throughout the day and night , due to an drug/drug and drug/food interaction,which effectively means its a 4 times daily regime. My Doctor has now offered… read more
Couldn't tell you I take six a day and I have been for the last 30 years and I'm good.
Bik socks for most it made no impact on me
I'm resistant to one class of drugs. My doctor wanted to add Descovy to my 3 that have kept me undectable since my failure, Prezcobix isentrees, etravine I refused it as it's in the class I went resistant to 15 years ago. I assume once your resistant you stay resistant forever. After 32 years of taking these drugs my liver showed fatty liver signs from fat redistribution on fibroscan bio marker blood test. I lost 60 lbs to stop liver stenosis but still had a high alfagobulin blood protein reading. Yet the liver echo scan showed no signs of scar tissue even though one scan showed enlarged liver. It may not be the HIV meds but something else showing this high inflammatory marker.
Given your history of extensive drug resistance and the complexity of your current regimen, it's understandable to be cautious about switching to a single-dose drug that contains components to which you already have resistance. Here are some key points to consider:
- Drug Resistance: If you have resistance to the Show Full Answer
Not really, I switched from Genvoya. So it was an improvement. Stomach pain here and there. And there's the weight gain and high cholesterol But I honestly can't tell the difference between having HIV and side effects.
How Well Do You Tolorate The Newer Single Tablet Treatments Compared To The Older Style Twice Daily Treatments
Moving From A 4 Times Daily HIV Regimen To A Single Dose Regimen
First Line Treatment