Has Anyone Experienced Problems With Picking Up Prescriptions From Pharmacy And Being Told They Are Out Of Stock Or Need To Be Ordered? It'I
This can happen a lot more frequently than you would imagine - especially if we're talking about HIV drugs. For me personally, I get my medications filled at my local hospital's pharmacy and I have become such a regular now that they know to order my medications so that they are ready for me by fill date.
I would always suggest to call a week before your prescriptions are due just so that they have time to order them and get them processed for you.
my question is why are you all waiting until the last minute to reoder your prescriptions? You should be working on having extra on hand just for these reasons. At one point in time I had 12 months of medication stocked up, and yes, I only get a 30 day supply like anyone else. Right now, I have 4 months of extra pills on hand. I will be happy to show you how to stock up on your medications, I have helped a few people do it. There should be 0 reasons why you run out of medication, even if the pharmacy is out of stock.
I do order ahead of time. But every month I have issues. It's either out of stock and needs to be ordered. I've had to go to my Dr. Several times for sample packages of my script.
yea it can happen. Especially if you're dealing with a local pharmacy in an area with a high HIV concentration. I get mine from a hospital pharmacy. But it's pretty hit at my neighborhood pharmacy.
I always make sure my pharmacy has 6 months of hiv medication in stock around 2 weeks before my doctor issues my 6 month prescription.
Hello, I Am From Denver, Colorado, I Am An Immigrant, I Have Recently Arrived, Can Anyone Help, Where Can I Find Help For Treatment?
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