"Complete Suppression Of The Symptoms Of HIV" ?
A highly respected retired high court judge, who is definitely not HIV himself, recently stated with complete confidence and assurance that "HIV antiretroviral treatments cause complete suppression of the symptoms of HIV". I was startled by this statement. What is your reaction? Do you think his statement is true?
Yes Eddie thanks for reminder
I am fluid in thought but not able to stop the process for punctuation if you truly are artistic inclined and I have the gift of thought flow I will lose it if 8 stop to punctuate the thought is I have Asperger's disease but yea or nay I can't
Stop it or all is lost. Most of
The people I have been told this do not fully understand.
They think I should hire a proof reader and then they do punctuation etc translation etc
But being originators of my thoughts and dialogue feel then any change by another
Person means it is no longer my manuscript or writer.
By no means is this type of
Writing meant to offend or be corrected at my expense because it has my. Emotion and passion plus originality
As you are to the. World
Thank you for reminder try to get handle but I risk losing content.
@A myHIVteam Member, thanks. I agree. I have now emailed the makers of the podcast in which the judge made the statement. I have also asked that the misinformation be corrected in a future podcast.
I am absolutely FLOORED that someone would make such an ignorant statement without doing the most minimum research you could possibly do. Not only is that statement untrue, I take offense in the fact that it is totally misleading; it doesn't matter what your profession is you should not make such assumptions or blanket statements such as that without doing at least some basic research on the topic you are talking about.
@A myHIVteam Member, I understand.
There is a good reason why in at least one major London hospital there is no longer a ward referred to as "the HIV ward", as in the 80s and 90s. Instead the ward is now known as the "Cancer/HIV ward". This is because at this point in time most HIV people who need to be hospitalised because of an HIV-related condition need to be hospitalised for cancer care.
And as you say prolonged exposure to ARTs can cause other serious problems as well.
The problem that comes with a lot of the old timers like myself is that through the years the drugs have given us kidney failure, osteoporosis, cancer, arthritis, the list goes on. So even though we may still be on antivirals our bodies have suffered through the years. And this can never be erased from our bodies.
Hi Guys
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