Postpone Lab Work?🧐
On Friday I got some weird rash that itches like hell. It’s on my torso not big but pink and raised. This morning another little rash showed up next to my nipple again small but itchy. Last time I got a bad rash I started biktarvy. He gave me a steroid cream and it went away in 2 weeks. I decided to use the steroid cream on this rash. Question is my 6 month blood work is in 2 weeks. Should I postpone since I’m afraid that the steroid cream and the rash might affect my true viral load cd 4 count… read more
Get your blood work done !
Just go ahead with things as usual but make sure your if pcp is aware of the " rash ( s ) " and your attempt to remedy the problem so if there are any abnormalities that come up in your blood they can be explained by not you but then as well .
Do your lab work. And if the rash does look better in a day or 2, yoi can always go to Urgent Care.
I was taking oral steriods for pneumonia, And I had my labs drawn. Best numbers I've had. My Dr didn't think it had anything to do with my labs. Just me, having better compliance with taking my biktarvy daily.
There is never a reason to delay your lab work. The quality of your health is not something you can afford to be ignorant about. You need to know. If you know, then you can take necessary action to prevent and/or preserve.
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