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Complacent Is A Bad Thing

A myHIVteam Member asked a question 💭
New Brunswick, NJ

I sometimes wonder if some people with HIV have given up. They are complacent.they say oh i will just take my once a day pill or every other month injection and be on my way. I will post videos and tell everyone around me I’m grateful and I’m not letting the virus bring me down. And I truly respect that. But that is a disservice to all those who fought and died so you can take your pill or injection and live a normal life .To me that’s a cop out and a stab in the back to groups like act up and… read more

August 1, 2024 (edited)
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A myHIVteam Member

I'm a newly diagnosed HIV Pos 2023, and I've taken care of plenty of people that have it since starting nursing in the late 90's. I've seen great changes in therapy and I'm greatful to those who came before us.
I now volunteer for my CAN Community Health and promote HIV education.

August 4, 2024
A myHIVteam Member

For me it’s not about being complacent. When I post my affirmations, it does two things; 1) it helps me remember to maintain a positive mental attitude when I could either feel down or up that day, and 2) I hope it helps encourage others to either keep a positive attitude or lift them up when they are down. It doesn’t mean that I am complacent about anything.

August 4, 2024
A myHIVteam Member

@A myHIVteam Member. I quit processing in 1991 about a month after I was diagnosed. I started reading books by Louise Hay like "You Can Heal You Life," "You Can Heal Your Body," and she was one of the early ones to work with HIV/AIDS patients in West Hollywood on healing and meditation. There was a tape of one of her sessions commercially available at one time, don't know if it is since she has since passed away. But I feel that half the battle is within the mind. What you focus your thoughts on will be made manifest. What you think affects your body. I've said that my Spirituality is important to me and these meditations and affirmations that I share is a part of my Spiritual practice. Back in the 90s, I really had a problem processing others bad attitudes at support group meetings. To me it seemed like they were pouring out a litany of self pity and hate. A friend once asked me if I knew who gave HIV to me. I told him that I could think of maybe three people but what would blaming prove? How could blaming somebody for my infection help either of us? I felt it was more important to concentrate on my healing process.

But again, I don't think that makes me complacent in anything. I am more than aware of the people who were infected and are no longer here.. I've lost many friends due to HIV/AIDS and I miss them every day. But I feel I honor them by not spreading the disease or misinformation about it. And I off my affirmations to help others if and when they might need it.

August 4, 2024
A myHIVteam Member


August 3, 2024
A myHIVteam Member

Please guys, dont fight each other on this platform. .Brad3 is only asking a Question. We are on the brink of World War Three, so please be kind to each other.

August 3, 2024

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